bipartisan definition obama

bipartisan definition obama
Miller Exaggerates the Bipartisan Foreign Policy Consensus Again.
Feb 25, 2010. Think the Chicago Way political machine is all about corrupt Democrat politicians and their cronies? Think again. It's bipartisan.
Feb 10, 2010. The problem is that Obama is just wrong. By definition, for a piece of legislation to be bipartisan, some members of the minority party must vote.
Jul 16, 2009. We should have been less bipartisan in asking tough questions about. Obama and his team have decided to fiddle with the definition a bit.
Mar 13, 2013. They gave their honest definitions of the words.. President Obama uses bipartisanship to describe the recent adoption of the Violence Against.
Bipartisan Cheers Greet Obama In California [New Definition of "Bipartisan"] · SFChronicle ^ | March 20, 2009. Posted on 03/20/2009 11:31:44 AM PDT by.
Ezra Klein - Republicans give their definition of 'bipartisanship'.
Is Obama Redefining Bipartisanship? | Democratic Strategist.
Jan 24, 2009. Apparently, to President Obama “bipartisanship” doesn't mean. Update: Steve Benen reminds us of how Republicans define “bipartisanship.
Feb 13, 2009. Bipartisanship Isn't So Easy, Obama Sees. Advisers concluded that they allowed the measure of bipartisanship to be defined as winning.
Jan 26, 2009. Well, where's the bipartisanship, President Obama? There is no bipartisanship in President Obama's plan. President Obama's definition of.
Why Democrats and Republicans can't agree on what bipartisanship.
Jan 13, 2011. The Meaning of Bipartisan Compromise — Both Parties Plan Attacks on. of Obama's administration is opening up: one of bipartisan politics.
bipartisan. Define; Relate; List; Discuss; See; Hear; Love. McCain Hits Obama For Ayers Connection. “The real last hope of them getting a Republican to sign.
Three words to define Obama 2.0 | Fox News.
"Bipartisanship" and Should Obama Care About It? - Huffington Post.
bipartisan definition obama
Bipartisan Cheers Greet Obama In California [New Definition of.
Nov 16, 2012. Three words to define Obama 2.0. His combative attitude suggests Obama wants a fight instead of bipartisan solutions to America's problems.
The Obama-Limbaugh Bipartisan Stimulus Plan of 2009 - The Rush.